We sincerely believe that the keystone of our succes and the most important purpose of its operation is providing modern, competitive service for our partners and customers and at the same time continuously improve ourselves and the quality of our services. We perform our duties in accordance with high moral, professional and economic standards.
Our service is more than the mechanism of our buses and devices, it gets completed by the people using it every day, getting to work or back home. We consider extremely important to hear and understand the goals and expectations of our partners and passengers and change and develop our service in response to that.
Since our establishment in 2002 the world has gone through significant changes. There have been changes in the priority of transportation, in service providers and systems and in the expectations of our passengers. The key to preserve our market leader role is to perceive the new challenges and respond to them along our values. The constantly changing world requires constant renewal from us in every field, be it the equipment of our buses, the services and the expectations of our partners and passengers.
Our service is based on a high level of availability. In our accelerated world this is not possible without reliability and accuracy. Our company operates about 300 buses in Budapest, Debrecen, Kecskemét, Esztergom and Székesfehérvár. Our most important task – besides to the safe transport of our passengers – is being reliable and punctual so we can serve our passengers as our best.